US DOE Announced $53-Million Fund For Companies Pursuing Climate And Clean Energy Solutions


The Department of Energy (DOE) of the United States has announced 53 million dollars in funding for the diverse and small businesses for pursuing the advanced scientific instrumentation and technologies for addressing the climate change.

The funding is going to be supporting 259 projects across 38 states that has been covering the resilience and security, along with the energy storage, renewable energy, carbon capture and conversion and fusion energy that is including the projects that is investing in the disadvantaged communities for promoting the equitable research, deployment and development of the solutions.

Developing the new clean energy solutions has been an important component of achieving the goal of Joe Biden, president of the United States of a net-zero carbon economy by the year 2050.

Jennifer M Granholm, secretary of energy of the United States said, for tackling the climate crisis and is securing the economic competitiveness of the United States is going to be requiring full scope of the enterprise of the United States specifically the small businesses that is propelling the advances in clean energy.

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She also said that, these projects are not only going to unlock a range of the equitable climate solutions but is also creating some good and paying jobs, along with lower costs, and forging a better future for the underprivileged families of the United States and the communities.

The funding has been administered by Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs of the US DOE programs for funding the technological innovation, facilitating technology transfer between the research institutions and small businesses.


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