UK Farmers Call for Ban on Weedkiller Amid Fear of Parkinson’s Disease

Agriculture Chemicals

Some of the farmers of the United Kingdom have been calling for a ban on the production of toxic weedkiller Paraquat in the United Kingdom, and the studies have been suggesting that, it can possibly be a factor in the onset of the Parkinson’s disease. This comes as hundreds of the farm workers in the United States have been pursuing a legal case against the producer of the weedkiller alleging that, the producers knew the risk and have also failed for warning them.

The weedkiller ‘Paraquat’ had been first manufactured in the United Kingdom in the early 1960s and has been sold across the globe and 377 companies have also registered the Paraquat for sale. The weedkiller has been one of the most popular and effective herbicides in the world and millions of the formers have been using it for killing the weeds, bit the herbicides has been one of the most dangerous and has also caused thousands of the deaths by poisoning.

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Syngenta, a company manufacturing Paraquat said that, the claims of a link between the Parkinson’s and Paraquat have not been supported by a scientific evidence, and the company also stated that, it has now undergone over 1,200 safety studies.

The Parkinson’s disease has also been believed to be the fastest growing neurological condition in the world and it has also been effecting the neurons in a specific area of the brain that is called as the substantial nigra.


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