Report: German Government Calls for Global Action on Climate Change


Gerd Mueller, development minister of Germany said, a major effort across the globe had been required for the purpose tackling the climate change, along with the urging the poorer countries for also investing more in the climate protection policies.

Gerd Mueller also said, only eight out of the total 191 countries in the world had been adhering to the goals introduced by the Paris Climate Agreement, in which all the countries have set a goal for controlling the global increase in the temperature below two degrees Celsius, and it has ideally been not more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, by decreasing the emissions of the greenhouse gases.

The remarks from the development minister of Germany come as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a new report on the adverse impact of Global warming, and According to the report, the scientists have warned that, without taking the rapid, immediate and large-scale decrease seriously, the goal of the Paris Agreement for the greenhouse gases cannot be reached.

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Gerd Mueller said, they will be needing a global green deal, along with a large private investment for the purpose of expanding the renewable energies along with the transfers in the technology and investment by the industrialized nations in the developing and emerging nations of the world.

Gerd Mueller has also urged the World Bank, along with the development banks and the International Monetary Fund across the European Union to step up and he added that, there are hundreds of the new power plants fired by coal are being built or being planned across the world, and if all these power plants will go online, then they are never going to achieve the goal set by the Paris Agreement.


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