US: Cinven to Purchase Environmental Science Professional Business of Bayer at $2.6 Billion


The companies including Bayer and Cinven have now entered into an agreement regarding the sale of the Environmental Science Professional Business for a price of 2.6 billion dollars. Rodrigo Santos, board member of management of Bayer AG said that, this investment has been representing a very attractive price for purchase and is also going to be allowing the company for focusing in the core agricultural business of the company along with the successful implementation of the company’s Crop Science Division strategy of growth.

The Environmental Science Professional has been a global leader that is offering the environmental solutions for the purpose of controlling the diseases, pests and weeds in the non-agricultural areas like the vector control, professional test management, forestry, vegetation management and also the turf and ornamentals.

In the year 2021, the business is now having around 800 employees that will be supporting the operations and sales in over 100 countries, and the company has also been headquartered in the region of Cary, North Carolina, the United States. The company ‘Bayer’ has also announced the decision for the purpose of divesting the business in the month of February 2021.

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Rodrigo Santos said that, as driven by a shred belief in the purpose and people, Cinven is going to be enabling the Environmental Science Professional business for the purpose of advancing towards the vision of the healthy environments for everyone and everywhere across the country, and they have been very much convinced by the focus of Cinven and the commitment to the growth potential for the business.


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