Covid-19 Pandemic Sparks Increase in Long-Term Sickness in UK People


Over a third of the people of working age in the United Kingdom are now suffering from a long-term sickness along with the new figure that have been showing a dramatic increase since the beginning of the novel corona virus pandemic. The post corona virus conditions that is including long corona virus, along with difficulties in the breathing and mental health issues have been among the causes, as per the health campaigners and charities of disability.

According to the figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that, around 14.2 million people in the United Kingdom between the age of 16 to 64 years said that, they had a health condition that is lasting for around 12 months in the year 2021, which has been an increase of 1.2 million during the two years of the novel corona virus pandemic.

The levels of the long-term sickness had been increasing more slowly before the emergence of the novel corona virus at an annual average of around 275,000 cases per year 2014 and 2018 but, the rapid increase over the past two years have been highlighting the health problems that has been facing in the United Kingdom.

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Around 800,000 more people have now suffered from the problems of mental health in the year 2020 and 2021 and the number of the people with problems related to breathing and chest had now been around 570,000 for the same period.


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