UK NHS expands Its Covid-19 Symptoms List With 9 More Symptoms


The official list of the novel corona virus symptoms on the NHS UK has been extended for covering the nine new symptoms, which is including fatigue, headache and sore throat, and these symptoms are going to be joined by the three symptoms of fever, along with a new and persistent cough, and change or loss in the smell and taste.

The extension of this list might be helpful in decreasing the corona virus infections by helping the people in detecting whether they might have corona virus, although, it is coinciding with the end of the offer of the free and universal corona virus test for the purpose of helping the people in confirming whether they are having the novel corona virus or not.

The novel corona virus infections have now hit a record increase in the United Kingdom with around 5 million people, which are estimated for being infected, and the new signs or symptoms of the corona virus includes shortness or breadth, body ache, exhaustion or feeling tired, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite, runny or blocked nose and diarrhoea.

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NHS also said that, the symptoms have been very similar to the symptoms of the other illness like flu and also cold. It is also understood that, the chief medical officer of the UK government is going to be needing to sign off on the expanded list of the new covid-19 symptoms.


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