NHS Warned Millions in UK Facing More Dangerous Mental Health Problems


The doctors of the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom have warned that, millions of the patients in the country are facing extremely dangerous long waits for the mental healthcare unless the ministers of the UK Government have urgently drawn up a recovery plan for the purpose of tackling another pandemic of anxiety, psychosis, eating disorders and depression.

The novel corona virus crisis has also been sparking a dramatic increase in the numbers of the people that have been experiencing the mental health problems along with 1.6 million people that have been waiting for the specialized treatment and also another 8 million who are not getting on the waiting list but it also going to be benefiting from the support.

According to the reports, in several parts of the United Kingdom, the specialist in the mental health services have now been overwhelmed and they are now returning even the most severe cases of the patients are at the risk of suicide, along with harming themselves and starvation that has been prompting the warning from the doctors of UK NHS that several patients are likely going to die as a result.

See also  Report: Covid-19 Infections hit 2.7-Million People in UK

The calls of the NHS has been following the publication of the NHS elective recovery plan in the month of February 2022, which has finally been setting out how the backlog of the people that are needing the planned procedures of surgery that has to be addressed.


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