BMW Reveals Colour-Changing iX Flow SUV with E Ink Technology at CES


The automobile giant BMW has revealed a host of the futuristic technologies at CES conducted in the region of Las Vegas, and the main attraction of the car has been the colour-changing car, and the other projects has also been including a cinema screen of 32-inch that has been extending from the headliner for the rear passengers along with a variety of sounds that have been created especially for the electric car models of the company.

The company said that, the innovations has been combining the digitisation and creativity for producing the great moments for the passengers and driver, and the company has also revealed the BMW iX M60, which has been an electric vehicle with the topping range of 620 horse power from the company’s M performance division at the event based in Las Vegas.

Stella Clarke, head of the iX Flow project at BMW said, the car ‘BMW iX Flow’ SUV, which has been featuring the E Ink, has been the first car in the world in which the exterior colour can change at the touch of a button, and by changing the colour of the car the company is now bringing the personalization to the new levels, and the company is also seeing a lot of benefits from a view point of the sustainability and usability.

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The company said that, the changing colour of the car can possibly make it more efficient by taking the light and dark colours into account in the relation for the purpose of reflecting the sunlight and also absorb thermal energy.


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