Tattoo Artists Face New Restrictions Over Coloured Ink in Europe


The new European restrictions on the coloured ink used for the tattoos are all set for coming into force within days as the European Bloc has been seeking to protect the citizens from the potential harmful chemicals.

Around 4,000 substances that have been used in the production of the coloured inks used for tattoos and the permanent make-up has been limited from 4th January 2022 in a move that has been putting the tattoo artists across Europe on the edge.

As the member countries of the European Union has approved the rules a year ago, which has been a 12-month transition period had been granted for giving the industry time for the purpose of altering the recipes of the ink, and for the two shades of the tattoo ink, which has been including the Pigment Green 7 and Pigment Blue 15:3, and a grace period of 24 months had been allowed because they had been very difficult for the substitution.

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The products, which are containing the newly banned chemicals in the concentrations, which has been greater than the prescribed that will be banned from the sale by the sweeping of the new reach of the legislation, and these inks or substances including the chemicals like azodyes, carcinogenic aromatic amines, metals, methanol and also the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

The European Union has been saying that, the newly introduced rules have been designed for the purpose of protecting their customers from the worse or skin irritation problems that is also including cancer.


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