Clarke Energy USA Partnered with BioTown Biogas to Diversify Energy Portfolios

Power & Energy

Clarke energy USA, an energy company based in Knowsley has now revealed that, it has partnered with BioTown Biogas for the purpose of designing and supplying, along with the installation of a biogas upgrading plant that will be generating a biomethane for the gas grid of the country.

The agreement is also including a biogas methane engine that will be generating the renewable electricity and heat in the region of Indiana, and the company ‘BioTown AG’ has been an existing renewable energy business, and the company ‘BioTown’ has also been expanding into the generation of the biogas for being cleaned to the gas grid standards of injection as biomethane.

The farming groups from the local areas that are close to the plant are going to be supplying the agricultural waste feedstock for the digesters, and this project is going to be helpful in decreasing the emissions from the farms and also providing the 500,000 to 600,000 gallons every day of the slurry from around 25,000 milking cows.

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The biogas produced from the digesters is going to be used with the 460 scfm of the treated biogas, that will be fuelling the INNIO engine for the purpose of generating the renewable electricity and heat for providing support to the operations.

Over 1,500 scfm of the raw biogas is also going to be cleaned and it is also going to be injected into the national gas grid, and this is going to be marketed into the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program in California along with capturing the D3 Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs).


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