HCL Tech Partners with Germany’s Munich Re to Create Next-Gen Digital Workforce


On Monday, 23rd August 2021, HCL Technologies announced, the company has signed a contract with the Germany’s Munich Re, one of the leading insurers in the world for the purpose of creating a next-generation digital workplace for the workforce of Munich Re.

HCL Technologies said, creating on the digital transformation partnership of HCL Technologies with Munich Re, and the company is also going to standardise and modernise the workplace services for over 16,000 employees that have been spreading across 40 countries, and the HCL technologies said, the company is going to adopt a strategy in order to provide support to the workforce of Munich Re in multiple locations.

The IT company of India has been slated to implement a highly personalized solution of the service desk along with leveraging the power of the automation and the capabilities of the self-service for the purpose of enhancing the user experiences along with improving the efficiency.

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The HCL Technologies has also conveyed that, the fluid workplace solution of the company has also been expected for the purpose of offering the company ‘Munich Re’, the flexibility for modifying the remote practices as the needs of the business are evolving in order to mitigate all the risks associated with the uncertainty surrounding the novel corona virus pandemic.

The company added that, the WorkBlaze Solutions of HCL Technologies can be able to predictive analytics and Artificial Intelligence for the capabilities of the IT Operations, that have been expected for helping the company ‘Munich Re’ for enhancing the user experiences and also paving the way towards a digital workplace.