US Based Verizon and Huawei Agrees on Settling Patent Lawsuits


On Monday, 12th July 2021, US group ‘Verizon Communications’ and Huawei Technologies, telecommunications company of China, both said, they have agreed for settling a pair of the lawsuits, that has been alleging the patent infringement.

The confidential settlement has come days into a trial, which has been opened in one of the two lawsuits in the previous week, and both Verizon and Huawei have filed a joint motion for the purpose of dismissing both the cases, along with the counter claims of Verizon in two courts in Texas, United States.

The company ‘Verizon Communications’ said, the company is now happy with the settlement with Huawei technologies that have been involving the lawsuits, as well as the terms of the settlement are not being revealed, and their team did a great job bringing this matter to a close settlement.

The company ‘Huawei Technologies’ said in a statement that, it had been pleased that, Verizon Communications and Huawei have reached to an agreement, which is going to end the patent litigation of both the companies, and the company Huawei have also noted that, it is holding over 100,000 active patents across the world, which also includes around 10,000 patents.

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In 2020, the company Verizon had filed the counterclaims against Huawei technologies, that was claiming that, Huawei Technologies have violated the patents of Verizon, and Huawei Technologies said, it had been asking Verizon to respect the investment of Huawei Technologies in the research and development by paying for the use of their patents or by refraining the patents from the usage.

Ram is a leading news contributor for IndustryWatch24 and specialises in writing about technology. His enthusiasm for the most recent technological advancements, such as Bitcoin and AI technology, among others, is evident in the most recent industry coverage he offers. He currently presents his analysis of popular business and technological fields, which gives his writing a present and unique perspective.