FDF UK and Scotland Extend Support Improve Food Affordability and Health

Consumer Goods

The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) of the United Kingdom has published a cross-government approach for making sure that, the industry continues to deliver the consumer choice along with the affordability and tangible gains for the economy.

The Trade and Investment Strategy of the FDF UK is including 20 recommendations for the government of the United Kingdom along with highlighting the importance of the imports both for the continued food supply of the United Kingdom and also as a key component for the innovation and the creation of the jobs.

FDF also says that, the exports is going help in delivering the growth in the communities across the United Kingdom for the purpose of helping the people of the United Kingdom for seeing through the runway inflation.

According to the FDF, the government of the United Kingdom has now poised for striking the new trade deals across the world that is particularly taking in the need for the high standards of the production, environmental sustainability and animal welfare during the recognition of the unique features of the supply mix of the United Kingdom.

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FDF has also proposed for fostering strong ties with the government of UK in order for the food and bakery industry for playing a more important role in the exports of the United Kingdom.

Karen Betts, chief executive officer of FDF said, the food and drink industry has been aiming to offer the shoppers with unrivalled choice at the affordable prices across a large range of the products.


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