Study: Organic Farming On Rise In The United Kingdom


According to a study conducted by The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has found that, the land going through the conversion period of two years to the organic rose by 34 percent in the year 2021 as compared to the previous year. The report has also shown a major increase in the organic farming in the United Kingdom along with an increase by 3.6 percent in 2021 followed by the growth of 0.8 percent in 2020.

Sophie Kirk, business development manager for Soil Association Certification said that, it is now encouraging to see that, the latest statistics has been showing confidence in the organic farming has been on the increase in the United Kingdom. She also said that, their farming industry has a dealt with most of the shocks over the past few years but the opportunities for the sustainable farming still remain strong with the increasing consumer demand and also the support for the organic process by the government.

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She also said that, it is still clear that, the government and shoppers have been waking up to the benefits of the organic farming that can possibly deliver for the nature and the  environment and the latest figures show that, with the right incentives, along with the nature and climate friendly farming can possibly grow rapidly.

The rise in the organic farming is also expected to continue throughout the year and the Soil Association Certification also believes that, the growth has been a result of the announcement of the UK government earlier 2022.


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