Analysis: Boris Johnson’s New Plans for Oil and Gas Will Blow UK’s Net Zero Commitment

Environment Power & Energy

An analysis have revealed that, the plans of Boris Johnson, for the purpose of approving the new sites of North Seal Drilling is going to be blowing the net zero climate target of the United Kingdom and will also be generating the equivalent of 420 million barrels of oil if the country goes ahead with the plans.

The six oil and gas projects at North Sea are expected to be getting the approval for starting the drilling as a part of a drive of the government of the United Kingdom for the purpose of easing the increasing costs of the energy in consideration with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

All the six identified sites can be responsible for producing a total of around 421 million barrels of the oil equivalent, and the extraction and burning of all the oil and gas from all these six sits is going to be producing a total of 205 million tonnes of the emissions of the carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to around half of the country’s total emissions in a year.

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Tessa Khan, director of Uplift said that, the expansion of the production of the fossil fuel on that large scale is going to be destroying any change, the government of the United Kingdom is having for achieving the net zero target of greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.


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