Omicron Travel Restrictions Caused Loss of 7-Billion Pounds in UK Economy


The Omicron covid-19 variant travel restrictions that have been imposed for stopping the spread of the variant has cost the economy of the United Kingdom an estimated loss in the revenue of 7 billion pounds.

According to the research from the WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council) has now revealed the economic cost of the ineffective travel measures or restrictions that are introduced by the government of the United Kingdom in the final weeks of the year 2021 as the Omicron covid-19 has spread very fast across the globe.

The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) said that, the loss of 7 billion pounds to the economy of the United Kingdom had been caused because of the large decrease in the contributions from the travel industry of the United Kingdom. The impact of the travel restrictions related to the Omicron covid-19 variant has been estimated to cost the global economy a total of around 25.7 billion pounds in the year 2021.

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Julia Simpson, chief executive of WTTC said that, by imposing the unnecessary travel restrictions for dealing with the Omicron had not been backed by the science and it has cost the economy of the United Kingdom a loss of 7 billion pounds in the revenue.

Julia Simpson also said that, the travel is now opening across the world and if the United Kingdom is going to begin with the reparation of the economy, the country needs to keep the borders open for the travel.


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