WHO: Europe Could Head Towards the End of Covid-19 Pandemic


Hans Kluge, doctor of the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe said that, the Omicron Covid-19 variant has been responsible in moving the novel corona virus pandemic into a new phases and it can possibly bring the corona virus pandemic to an end in the continent of Europe.

In an interview, the director of WHO Europe said that, it has been plausible that, the region of Europe has been moving towards a kind of the endgame of covid-19 pandemic, and he also said that, the Omicron Variant can possibly infect around 60 percent of the people of Europe by March 2022.

Once the current increase of the Omicron covid-19 variant that has been sweeping across the subsidies of the continent of Europe, and there is also going to be for several weeks or months of a global immunity, and the director of WHO said that, the corona virus vaccine or because of the people having the immunity because of the infection along with the decrease in the seasonality.

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Hans Kluge said, they have been anticipating that, there is going to be a period of the quiet before the novel corona virus might be coming back towards the end of the year 2022, but it has not necessarily the covid-19 pandemic for coming back.


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