Apple Closes its Loophole of Education Discounts in US


The technology company ‘Apple’ has been long offering a discount for the students and the people, who had been working in the education, but the company has done a non-acceptable job of actually ensuring that, the users had been involved in the education for getting it, and the Apple is now using the Unidays for the purpose of verifying the users in the United States.

The Unidays has been a third-party verification service, that will be verifying that, the users are actually involved in the education, whether they are using it as a student or an educator, and if the users is just a regular buyer, who had been freely clicked on the discount on the education for the purpose of having some money on the hardware of Apple, and the users will not be able to snag those deals in the future.

Outside of the verification of the education status of the people, the company ‘Apple’ has also been limiting the amount of the hardware that one person can now purchases in a year, and now, the users can possibly get a discount on one Mac mini, one desktop computer, two iPads, one laptop, and two accessories every year. For most of the people, that has very far, that has been more than the people will be buying in a year.

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Apple has now already had a process of verification in the place in the United Kingdom and several other countries and hence this has only been changing the process of buying for the fans of the company ‘Apple’ in the United States.

Ram is a leading news contributor for IndustryWatch24 and specialises in writing about technology. His enthusiasm for the most recent technological advancements, such as Bitcoin and AI technology, among others, is evident in the most recent industry coverage he offers. He currently presents his analysis of popular business and technological fields, which gives his writing a present and unique perspective.