Study: Cosmetic Products of Europe and UK Contain Chemicals Tested on Animals


According to new study, hundreds of the cosmetic products that are sold in the United Kingdom and Europe generally contains the chemical ingredients that had been tested on the animals, and the researchers from China, Germany and the United States have found that, over 100 tests have been conducted on the animals after 2009, that is when the European Union has banned the testing of chemical ingredient of cosmetic products on the animals.

However, the ban imposed in 2009 means that, the consumer safety of the cosmetic products will no longer be tested in the animals, and the cosmetic companies should also ensure that, the chemical ingredients in the products of those companies are safe for the workers to handle under another regulation by the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency).

For fulfilling the requirement of the ECHA, the cosmetic producing companies might be testing these ingredients on the animals as the last option, and the study has identified 413 chemical ingredients of the cosmetics in the database of the ECHA, and 63 chemical ingredients have undergone a total of 104 tests on the animals.

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The scientists said that, the trends have been showing that, the continued testing of the ingredients in the animals that is likely going to carry on, and the scientists also said, the added requirement by the ECHA is going to affect most of the chemical ingredients present in the cosmetic products.

The study also said, except for the import of a complete cosmetic product, all the other cosmetic processes have been involving the exposure of the workers to the chemical ingredients.


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