Germany: BMW Tests vehicle-to-grid Electric Vehicle Charging Schemes with BMW i3


The customers of BMW are now testing the bi-directional electric vehicle charging as a part of a three-year project, which has been responsible in the process of enabling the drivers for charging their cars as normal, along with the added benefits of returning the energy into the power grid.

A ground of around 20 customers in Germany, have been given the BMW i3 electric cars, that have been equipped with the new technology along with more 30 cars are set to be delivered to the business users in the up-coming weeks.

The company ‘BMW’ said, at the time of high demand for electricity, these vehicles are now able to feed some additional power into the grid, as the high voltage of the batteries are mainly charged at the times, when the electricity from the renewable energy sources has now been available or when the overall demand for electricity is lower, and the company also said, the energy, which is stored can possibly be deployed exactly when it is most needed, whether for the purpose of boosting the power grid capacity or for electric driving.

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The company is now hoping that, it can possibly be turn the electric cars into the mobile energy storage devices, which can be able to supply the electricity to the grid whenever it is needed. BMW said, by the adoption of a holistic approach, the project is aiming for interlinking the power grids, vehicle and charging infrastructure for the first time in such a way that, it will be facilitating the use of renewable energy.


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