Amazon Expands Renewable Energy Projects with Firsts in Brazil, Poland and India

Power & Energy

Amazon is expanding its investments in renewable energy with 71 new renewable energy projects across the world, including Amazon’s first renewable energy project in Brazil, a solar energy farm, and its first solar energy farms in Poland and India. Once fully operational, the global renewable energy portfolio of Amazon will generate 50,000 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of clean energy that, which is the equivalent amount of electricity needed to power 4.6 million homes in the United States each year.

Amazon Web Services, chief executive officer of Adam Seipsky, said they are bringing new wind and solar energy projects online to power their offices, data centers, fulfilment centers, and stores that collectively serve millions of customers across the globe, and they are on a path to reach 100 percent renewable energy across their entire business by 2025.

According to Adam Seipsky, countries around the world are looking to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy, and continued investments can help accelerate their journey as they all work together to reduce the impacts of climate change.

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As the biggest corporate purchaser of renewable energy globally, Amazon now has a total of 379 renewable energy projects across 21 countries in the world, including 154 wind and solar energy farms and 225 rooftop solar energy projects that represent 18.5 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity.


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