UK DCMS Released New Guidance to Help Tech Companies to Protect Users Online


United Kingdom’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) have published a safety by design guidance, which is going to provide help to the businesses including the start-ups for finding the information, which are going to need so that, they are able to build safe products right from the stages of development to the user experience.

According to a research, the small companies have been less confident in the ability of the companies for finding the information on the online safety of the children as compared with the medium and large-scale companies. The guidance also includes advice on how to protect the personal data, encouraging online positive behavior and address abuse of the children.

The safety by design guidance is going to be putting the safety at the centre of the platform design for the purpose of minimizing the risk of the continuously occurring online harm to the children. The guidance also advises the companies for providing an experience based on the age of the children, for the purpose of using the tools like age assurance and age verification.

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The guidance is also including, the process of encouraging the adult people for setting the safety measures of the services to high by default so that, those safety measures of the services cannot be changed by the children. The guidance is also going to recommend that, the companies have made it easier for the online users for reporting the harmful content or behavior, along with blocking the high-risk search terms like the terrorist content.

Ram is a leading news contributor for IndustryWatch24 and specialises in writing about technology. His enthusiasm for the most recent technological advancements, such as Bitcoin and AI technology, among others, is evident in the most recent industry coverage he offers. He currently presents his analysis of popular business and technological fields, which gives his writing a present and unique perspective.