North America: GE Renewable Energy and Invenergy Complete Around 1 GW Wind Energy Center

Power & Energy

GE Renewable Energy and Invenergy has now completed the commercial for the 998 MW Traverse Wind energy Center, which has been the largest wind energy farm that is constructed in a single phase in the region of North America.

The wind energy farm located in north central region of Oklahoma, and Traverse has been joining the operational 199 megawatts Sundance Wind Energy Center and also the Maveric Wind Energy Center as the last of the three energy project that has been developed by Invenergy for the AEP (American Electric Power) for the process of reaching the commercial operation. These projects has also been making up for the facilities of North Central Energy, and they are also having 531 GE turbines along with a combined capacity of 1,484 megawatts of energy.

Jim Shield, senior executive vice president and head of development business at Invenergy said that, this has been a moment that, Invenergy and the company’s valued partners at AEP, along with GE Renewable Energy and the gracious members of their home communities in the region of Oklahoma have also been looking forward to.

See also  GE Renewable Energy to Supply Wind Turbines in Japan

He also said that, with the completion of the Traverse wind energy farm and with the facilities of the North Centrak Energy, they are very proud for furthering their commitment to the responsible and clean energy development and also for advancing their mission for the purpose of building a sustainable world.


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