NHS UK Made Deal With Private Hospitals To Tackle Omicron Covid-19 Variant Surge


The hospitals in the United Kingdom are now going to be able to use the private hospitals and the staff under a new deal or partnership with the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom for the purpose of maintaining the services as Omicron covid-19 cases increase, along with avoiding the delays in the treatments for the patients with the diseases like cancer.

This move comes as the hospitals in the United Kingdom have also been told, for finding extra beds in the education and gym centres because of the increasing number of the corona virus patients in the country. This agreement for three months means that, the staff and facilities of the private healthcare is going to be on standby for the purpose of supporting the NHS UK and also for maintaining the services for the patients, who can possibly be referred that is including some of the patients, which are waiting for the cancer surgery.

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The nightclubs in the United Kingdom are also being used as the hospitals as a part of the move for arranging around 4,000 extra beds. While announcing the deal, Sajid Javid, health secretary of the United Kingdom said that, this agreement has been demonstrating the collaboration across the country’s healthcare services for the purpose of creating an additional safe guard that is making sure that, people can possibly continue to get the care, which they are actually needing from the NHS UK.


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