Ford Delays Hybrid Plan of ‘Return-to-Work’ to March 2022 Amid Covid-19 Uncertainty


The company ‘Ford Motor Co.’, said it is going to be pushing the company’s return-to-work hybrid plan to the month of March 2021 as the state of the novel corona virus pandemic has now remained uncertain.

The company said, it is start a pilot phase for selecting the employees in the month of February and March 2021, and previously the company said that, it is not going to return for working under a model of hybrid working, which has been a combination of the on-site and remote working before the January 2021. The company ‘Ford’ has now required most of the salaried employees in the United States for being vaccinated against the corona virus by 4th January 2021.

Ford Motors said, the state of the corona virus remains fluid, and in spite the success of their already going safety protocols along with the increased rates of covid-19 vaccination, and they are also going to be shifting the beginning sate of the hybrid working model to March 2021.

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This model is also covering the company’s employees and it does not include the workers of the plant that had been represented by the union known as United Auto Workers, and the union have also recommended the covid-19 vaccinations and the boosters for those employees, but those, which are not mandatory, and wearing the masks for stopping the spread of the novel corona virus in the factory have remain mandatory.


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