Study: Memory Loss and Brain Fog Might be New Side Effects of Covid-19 Infection


According to a study, the long0term novel corona virus side effects can possibly include the memory loss and several other cognitive dysfunctions that had been commonly known as the brain fog, and the study has examined 740 patients in the Mount Sinai Health System in the United States, and the study has also analysed the patients, who have contracted the novel corona virus, and not the people, who has only received the corona virus vaccine.

According to the study, the most common cognitive deficits that were identified had been the memory recall and the memory encoding, that has been showed up in 23 percent and 24 percent of the participants respectively. The memory encoding has been the process of storing the sensory input as a memory like storing a phone number in the head by repeating the number multiple times loudly.

The study has used the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test for the purpose of showing the participants a series of different types of the categories along with seeing how many they can possibly recall, and another test, which is called as the Number Span test, is going to be seeing how many digits can the participants possibly recall from the memory after watching the number on a screen.

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According to the study, the other common side effects has been including the process speed, along with the phonemic and category fluency, and the executive functioning.


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