Yandex Driverless Robots to Deliver Food at Colleges in US with GrubHub


Yandex Self-Driving Group, a unit of the publicly traded technology company of Russia ‘Yandex’ announced, it has signed a partnership with GrubHub, a food delivery service company, for the purpose of being its multi-year robotic food delivery provider across the college campuses of the United States of America.

According to a statement from Dmitry Polishchuk, CEO of Yandex Self-Driving Group, the company ‘Yandex’ is hoping to reach more than 250 college campuses over the tenure of the partnership, which is going to begin with dozens of the self-driving robots in the country.

The company ‘Yandex’ has been developing a full-sized autonomous vehicle technology since 2017, which the company has tested in the company Tel Aviv, based in Israel and Ann Arbor, based in Michigan, and also in the Innopolis based in Russia.

A spokesperson from Yandex said, the self-driving technology has definitely been very complicated, but they can also see that, the technology has successfully reached the level, when it can start getting deployed either in the form of the robotaxi or the delivery robot services in smaller areas or in some specific districts of the large cities.

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The spokesperson also said, the approach of the company ‘Yandex’ to commercialization is unique, and out of all the companies, that are developing the autonomous technology for the cars, Yandex is the first company to enter in the market with its robots, and it is seeming to be an efficient way to launch the robots in the market, and it took them two years for getting from the idea of making a delivery robot in June 2018 to signing a sold contract with GrubHub.

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