Low Fuel Inventories Causes Concern in Northeast US

Power & Energy

The federal officials of the United States said the heating oil and diesel supplies in the Northeast region of the United States are over 50 percent below average, with raising concerns that an extreme weather event can cause disruptions in the supply.

The supplies of fuel is lower than normal across the United States for a variety of reasons, including the war in Ukraine, but it is the worst in the northeast region of the country.

According to a survey conducted by the US Department of Energy, heating oil and diesel fuel are 63 percent below the five-year average in the New England, and 58 percent below the same average to New York from Maryland.  The agency also said Gasoline inventories are not as bad, but are still at the lowest levels in around a decade along with the entire East Coast.

The northeast region of the United States is heavily dependent on heating oil to keep the homes warm in the winter, while the other regions of the United States rely more on the electricity and natural gas.

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Jennifer Granholm, energy secretary of the United States, is convening a meeting of the governors of New England and their energy directors, and she has also urged the governors in a letter to take whatever steps that they can to increase the fuel supplies in the coming weeks to prevent the problems.


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