US CDC Selects Biobot To Expand Its Wastewater Monitoring

Biotechnology Environment

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of the United States has selected the Biobot Analytics for the purpose of expanding the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS), which is an integral part of the plan of Joe Biden, president of the United States to fight against the corona virus and also preparing the United States for the upcoming pandemics.

The NWSS has been working with the public health departments across the country for the purpose of tracking the levels of the novel corona virus in the wastewater so that the communities can now act quickly for preventing the spread of the covid-19.

The government of the United States has recognized the wastewater monitoring as a predictive indicator of the new corona virus cases and also an inclusive public health tool and Dr. Ashish Jha, covid-19 response coordinator of the US government said, the wastewater monitoring can possibly give them early insights into the increasing rates of the cases and helping them to track the infections in the community.

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Over the next year, the US CDC is going to be working with Biobot for the purpose of collecting and analysing the sample of wastewater from the 500 communities across the United States for gathering the data of the novel corona virus.

Newsha Ghaeli, cofounder and president of Biobot said, they are now thrilled that, the US CDC along with the support from the government of the United States and the Administration has been recognizing the tremendous value of the wastewater monitoring and has also expanded the country’s efforts.

Swati Jaiswal

Editor/Content Writer