Report: UK Trade Could Promote Use of Banned Pesticides in Brazil


The environmentalists said that, the United Kingdom has been exporting the pesticide footprint to the other countries, and according to a new report, it has been identified that, the increasing trade deal with Brazil can possibly be funding the use of the dangerous and harmful pesticides that are banned for use in the United Kingdom.

The government of Brazil has currently been pushing through a bill that is going to be cutting the laws for protecting the human and environmental health from the pesticides, and even without the new package of laws, the farmers of brazil are going to be allowed for using around double the number of the dangerous pesticides as those pesticides in the United Kingdom.

The pesticides include the hazardous herbicide Paraquat, that has been responsible for causing thousands of deaths across the world from the acute poisoning. The campaigners have also said that, a reliance of the United Kingdom on the growing trade with Brazil after the Brexit can possibly intensify the use of the pesticides and also degrading the environment in the country of Brazil.

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Most of the consumers of the United Kingdom are having no idea that, some of the meat that they are eating had been fed on the soya that was grown by using some of the highly toxic chemicals.


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