Civil Groups: Users To Be Allowed Suing US Technology Companies Under European Rules


The civil groups have been saying that, the individual users should possibly be allowed for taking the technology giants to the court for breaching the landmark of the European Union rules that have been aiming at stopping their power.

The call has been made by the collaboration of 31 consumer groups and the academics has been coming as the lawmakers and the countries of the European Union has been thrashed out from the final points of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) that has been proposed by the antitrust chief of the European Union just a year before it can actually become a law.

The Draft DMA has been setting out a list of the things to do and things not to do for the online gatekeepers, and if they will be in effect targeting the companies including Apple, Alphabet’s Google, Meta, Microsoft and Amazon.

The civil groups said that, the DMA will have to enable the users both collectively and individually for the purpose of bringing the enforcement actions for the violation of the DMA rules before the national courts in the European Union.

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As the lawmakers of the European Union have been open to the idea, and the European Union countries have been so far ignoring the demand, and this collaboration has also been urging the member nations of the European Union.

Ram is a leading news contributor for IndustryWatch24 and specialises in writing about technology. His enthusiasm for the most recent technological advancements, such as Bitcoin and AI technology, among others, is evident in the most recent industry coverage he offers. He currently presents his analysis of popular business and technological fields, which gives his writing a present and unique perspective.