UK Data Watchdog has Criticized Government Security Campaign


The data watchdog of the United Kingdom has been criticizing campaign backed by the Home Office of the United Kingdom against the launch of the ultra-securing the messaging the apps by the social media companies. The campaign known as No Place to hide campaign said that, Facebook should possibly abandon the plans for the end-to-end encryption in the Messenger app of the company, and the campaign is saying that, it is helping to hide the child abuse.

But, the office of the Information Commissioner of the United Kingdom has been arguing that, the technology has been strengthening the online safety of the children, and a delay has been leaving everyone at the risk, that has been including the children.

Stephan Bonner, executive director for the innovation and technology of the Information Commissioner Office said that, the end-to-end encryption has been helping them to keep the children safe online by not allowing the abusers and criminals for the purpose of sending the children, the harmful content along with accessing the location and pictures.

See also  Report: Instagram and Facebook Messenger Will not get End-to-End Encryption by 2023

He also said that, the discussion on the use of the end-to-end encryption has been too unbalanced for the purpose of making an informed and wise choice, and there has been too much focus on the costs also without weighing up the benefits, and the end-to-end encryption has already been used in the largely popular applications such as Signal, WhatsApp and iMessage.

The company ‘Meta’ is also planning to add the Facebook Messenger app and Instagram direct messages in the year 2023.

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